This Event Has Ended But Join the Waitlist for the Next Event's Details


The #1 YouTube & Video Marketing Online Event


This is a 3-day virtual conference with strategy sessions, trainings, Q&A, high levels of interactivity, giveaways, networking, and more!


This event takes place May 23-25. Budget to be watching the conference 8 AM - 5 PM Pacific Time. If you are not available for that entire time, there will be limited session replays available to help people in different time zones. For General Admission ticket holders, you'll get 24 hr replays. For VIP ticket holders, you'll get 30 days of replays.


This event takes place entirely virtually! Watch everything from the comfort of your home.

If you are a Content Creator or Business Owner who is struggling to get momentum on YouTube, or who just needs fresh inspiration... This event is for you.

Get the latest cutting edge strategies from the top creators and marketers in our industry and network with like-minded entrepreneurs - all from the convenience of your own home office.

Why register for this event?

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, the only constant is change. Each new algorithm and platform can disrupt your strategy, costing you time and energy without the right guidance. That’s why we’ve transformed our premier conference into a dynamic virtual experience — accessible from anywhere in the world.

No matter your level of expertise, you’ll discover the enduring principles and cutting-edge tactics needed to stay ahead in digital marketing. Join us online to refine your approach, connect with experts, and avoid the burnout that comes from going at it alone. Here’s why this virtual event is a must-attend for anyone serious about mastering digital marketing:

Get exclusive training and Q&A from the BEST creators and entrepreneurs in our space.

We recently held this conference in-person in Las Vegas, and now we're bringing you all the top highlights from the sessions, plus additional new content and guest speakers, to offer a unique and high-touch experience. These industry giants are going to be sharing their insider knowledge that will have the greatest impact on your business in 2024. Take advantage of this opportunity to engage with our speakers and learn directly from their digital marketing strategy.

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Meet your next partner, collaborator, or supporter from the comfort of your own home.

Our virtual format breaks down geographical barriers, allowing you to network with powerful, knowledgeable movers-and-shakers in our industry, no matter where they are. Remember, if we can tell your future by the five closest people to you, you’ll want to ensure you're connected with the RIGHT people. This event offers you the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals who can become an invaluable sounding board for your next big ideas—virtually anywhere. This isn't like most virtual events... our online experience is interactive and fun unlike anything you've experienced before.

Get motivated and inspired.

You can only pump out the same kind of content for so long before the effects start to fizzle. Get off the hamster wheel of content creation and come get fresh ideas for your business that will actually move the needle. If you're feeling stuck, uninspired, unmotivated, or like you’re just in a rut, you need a break from your daily routine. Imagine the power of connecting with a community full of energy, encouragement, and groundbreaking ideas, all streaming directly to you.

Find YOUR People.

Join the virtual party with like-minded people and you’ll find your next best idea, partner or collaborator. 

Who is this for?

If you’re reading this page… this is for you. 

Content Creators & Aspiring Creative Entrepreneurs

64% of all participants polled on a national scale said that they watch YouTube more than TV. The eyeballs are on YouTube - you just need to get in front of them. During this conference, we'll teach you how to make videos that will get noticed, gain subscribers, and ultimately, help you set up a sustainable lifestyle business.

Business Owners & Multi-Level Marketers

In a nationwide study of content creators, 75% said that they would be more likely to purchase a product after watching a YouTube video about it. There is a massive income-producing opportunity on YouTube for business owners and affiliate marketers alike.​

Real Estate Agents, Coaches &
Service Providers

In the largest nationwide study of content creators, we found that 42% of participants were MORE likely to work with a service provider if that service provider had a YouTube channel. That's HUGE. As a real estate agent, coach, personal trainer, dietician... you NEED to be on YouTube. Attending this conference will give you the step-by-step plan of the videos you can create to bring in more leads to your business.

What's Included in Your Tickets?

General Admission

Get the motivation, inspiration, & strategy that will carry you through your whole year!

VIP Experience

You get everything included in a General Admission Ticket PLUS:


What have past attendees said about similar events we’ve hosted?

"Ever in the history of conferences... This is single handedly the most valuable conference that I've been to."

-Vibrant Media

Early bird ticket prices on sale now!


May 23-25, 2024 | Virtual
  • Access to Grow With Video Live 2024 sessions + BRAND NEW sessions
  • Unique and virtual-exclusive sessions & bonus content
  • Special offers from leading brands in our industry
  • 24 Hour access to conference session replays


May 23-25, 2024 | Virtual
  • Access to Grow With Video Live 2024 sessions + BRAND NEW sessions
  • Unique and virtual-exclusive sessions & bonus content
  • Special offers from leading brands in our industry
  • Bonus pre-recorded content from Codie Sanchez, Pat Flynn and Nicky Saunders
  • VIP-Exclusive Q&A with Ali Abdaal
  • VIP-Exclusive Q&A with Sean Cannell
  • 30 days access conference session replays
  • FREE copy of Gary Vaynerchuk's new book (U.S. & Canadian residents only)
  • FREE copy of Codie Sanchez's new book once released


Mask group
Receive your free copy of Day Trading Attention by Gary Vaynerchuk

In his seventh business book, bestselling author, entrepreneur, and investor Gary Vaynerchuk offers fresh, in-depth advice to enhance brand development, grow sales, and beat the competition using modern advertising strategies grounded in social media.

In his 2013 bestseller Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook, Gary showed the world how to create winning content for underpriced attention channels.

But since then, new platforms have emerged, others have become less relevant, and algorithms are incentivizing new styles of content. New skills are necessary to create advertising that builds brand and sales.


Available to U.S. and Canadian residents only.



Main Street Millionaire: How to Make Extraordinary Wealth Buying Ordinary Businesses

A private equity investor’s guide to seeing opportunities for financial freedom all around you, in the overlooked and unassuming businesses that we all take for granted.

Everyone wants ownership, but almost no one gets it. Whether we’re talking about the start-up game, the crypto game, the freelance game, or the lemonade stand game – most paths to ownership lead to dead ends.

That’s why Codie Sanchez carved a new, smarter path to total freedom. In Main Street Millionaire, she reveals the method she teaches her community of seven-figure investors for building wealth by creating a portfolio of boring businesses. That’s right – the money is not in flashy startups or in the corner office. It’s in industries like tile and grout, plumbing, transition repair, residential cleaning, electrical and other unsexy but super profitable businesses that other people overlook.

Purchase your ticket!

There’s just nothing like the inspiration you’ll feel from attending a virtual summit like this. If you’ve never joined one, you don’t know what you’re missing!

There’s nothing that compares to stepping out of your regular routine and DEDICATING time to learn with this HIGH LEVEL of information. It’s a different experience from just listening to a podcast on your commute, half-watching a YouTube video, or playing an audiobook while you do the dishes (let’s be honest).

There’s something about the collective energy, the shared excitement, and the motivation that you can feel these industry experts speaking INTO you.

If you need a reset,
If you need to a reignite your passion,
If you need to get re-motivated,

This virtual experience is exactly what you need.


A more detailed schedule will be released between now and the event but here are the general details. All times shown are in Pacific Daylight Time:

May 21st

4:00 PM
Pre-Conference Zoom Networking Session

May 22nd

4:00 PM
Pre-Conference Kickoff Session with Sean Cannell

May 23rd

8:30 AM
Conference Begins
9:00 AM
Sean Cannell - The Future of Video: Threats, Opportunities, and the New Way to Win in a Saturated Market
9:45 AM
Sean Cannell - Start with the End in Mind: A Step-by-Step Strategy Workshop for Defining and Dominating Your Niche
10:25 AM
10:35 AM
Nicky Saunders - AI: How to Save Time, Be More Efficient, and Use the Best AI Tools
11:15 AM
Nicky Saunders - Exclusive Q&A Session
11:20 AM
Panel Session - Mastering the Inner Game: Unlocking the Potential of Your YouTube Channel
12:00 PM
Lunch Break
1:00 PM
Sean Cannell - Tips for Choosing the Best Camera and Gear in 2024 (Even if You Don’t Have a Big Budget or Any Experience)
1:25 PM
Aaron Schafer - The 3 Key Principles for Growing Your Business with a Book
2:10 PM
Pat Flynn - How to Win with Affiliate Marketing in 2024
2:55 PM
Pat Flynn - Exclusive Q&A Session
3:05 PM
3:25 PM
Sean Cannell - Use This Viral Formula to Grow Your Following, Increase Sales, and Get More Views
4:20 PM
Sessions End

May 24th

8:15 AM
Conference Begins
8:40 AM
Ali Abdaal - YouTube Secrets That Have Generated 500+ Million Views
9:25 AM
Ali Abdaal - Exclusive Q&A Session
9:55 AM
Sean Cannell - Little-Known Secrets Top YouTube Creators Use to Trigger the Algorithm and Go Viral
10:35 AM
11:00 AM
Patrick Bet-David - YouTube Tips for Building Your Business and Impacting Culture with Video
12:00 PM
Lunch Break
1:10 PM
Gary Vaynerchuk - Exclusive Q&A Session
1:40 PM
Sean Cannell - The Money Equation: How to Create 24/7 Cash Flow in Any Economy
2:40 PM
Sean Cannell - Exclusive Q&A Session
3:05 PM
3:20 PM
Hot Seat Session
3:30 PM
Dave Ramsey - 4 Components That Build a Strong Brand That Lasts
4:25 PM
Sessions End

May 25th

8:45 AM
Conference Begins
9:15 AM
Sean Cannell - YouTube Freedom Formula: My #1 Obsession That Continues to Generate Millions of Views
10:05 AM
Chalene Johnson - The 7 Ways I Overcame Every Obstacle to Starting YouTube
10:50 AM
Sean Cannell - Why Smart Creators Study Analytics: Five Tips to Double Your Views
11:30 AM
Panel Session - What’s Working Now? Trends, Tactics & Strategies
12:15 PM
Lunch Break
1:25 PM
Codie Sanchez - Breaking Down the S.M.A.R.T. Content Formula for Contrarian Thinkers
2:30 PM
Panel Session - Beyond AdSense: Strategies to Maximize Earnings on Your Channel
3:15 PM
Hot Seats Session
3:25 PM
Sean Cannell - Ready, Set, Launch! Your Easy-to-Follow Plan for Dominating The Next 90 Days
4:00 PM
Sessions End
4:30 PM
Zoom Networking Session


Connect with Other Industry Leaders that Relate to Your Journey

Transcend geographical limits and network with top industry professionals worldwide. Build valuable relationships with like-minded peers who can inspire and support your next big ideas. Connect with the right people, wherever you are, and expand your network globally.

Experience a Virtual Event that Unites Content Creators Across the World

Join a virtual conference that is interactive, engaging, and fun. Our innovative platform fosters dynamic connections with key industry players. Break away from typical events and enjoy a memorable, impactful experience. Ensure your future success by connecting with peers at both of our networking sessions!

What are you going to learn?

This conference is going to be jam-packed with winning strategies, the latest trends (that actually work), and so many golden nuggets. Get ready to hear from the brightest minds in today’s video marketing and online entrepreneurial space that you can tactically apply and leverage to grow your business.

In addition to The Complete 7R YouTube Growth Strategy, you’re going to learn about…

• The Viral Formula to Grow Your Following, Increase Sales, and Get More Views

• AI: How to Save Time, Be More Efficient, and Use the Best AI Tools

• Secrets of the Top 1%: How to Trigger the Algorithm and Generate Millions of Views

• The Money Equation: How to Create 24/7 Cash Flow in Any Economy

• Your Easy-to-Follow Plan for Dominating The Next 90 Days

…and more!



If you still have any questions or you want to know more about which event ticket is right for you, please contact our team at at

Yes, this will be held entirely online. You can join from anywhere in the world! Even if you miss something because of your timezone, we’ll have limited replays available so you can catch up during the hours that work for you. General Admission only has 24 hr session replay access, but VIP has 30 days access – so make sure to upgrade if you want more time with this content.

Yes! The event app will be available soon for you to begin networking and consuming your bonus content. This app will help facilitate networking, games, and event fun all throughout the week.

There were incredible sessions at Grow With Video Live! We will be replaying some of the highlights including sessions from Dave Ramsey and Codie Sanchez. But we will also have ENTIRELY NEW content from multiple speakers including Gary Vaynerchuk, Ali Abdaal and Patrick Bet-David. If you went to our in-person event, I’d recommend ALSO attending the SUMMIT.

We do have a discount for our students. Contact us at to receive your discount code.

Yes! We will have unique sessions, Q&A sessions, and other incredible content that was not a part of our in-person event. This virtual event will be hosted by the Think Media team and they will be streaming live to you from their headquarters in Las Vegas.

We will be including certain pre-recorded sessions from the in-person event (because they’re just too good not to share) but this event will be it’s own unique experience with fresh content.

YES! We will be replaying some of the highlights from Grow With Video Live including sessions from Dave Ramsey and Codie Sanchez. But we will also have ENTIRELY NEW content from multiple speakers including Gary Vaynerchuk, Ali Abdaal and Patrick Bet-David. If you went to our in-person event, I’d recommend ALSO attending the SUMMIT.

If you miss something because of your timezone, we’ll have limited replays available so you can catch up during the hours that work for you. General Admission only has 24 hr session replay access, but VIP has 30 days access – so make sure to upgrade if you want more time with this content.

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